
What is online ?

Online is an unique digital asset that will unleash the Internet from ads, malware and tracking software, leading to a more enjoyable and secure browsing experience, with sizeable benefits for both web operators and end users. 


Government agencies and big Internet companies that shall remain unnamed thriveon tracking your every move! Only together we can put a STOP to this!

Nowadays websites are full of ads that try to sell you something they think you need by creating an unfriendly and irritating browsing experience. Also, lots of them have hidden malware, scammy ads or mining scripts. platform aims at making a groundbreaking change of the Internet, by revolutionizing the browsing experience and making it faster, non-trackable, without malware and ad free.

Website  operators gain a significant amount of revenues from ads, which can be changed by implementing our solution based on the highly scalable, transparent and fully accountable Blockchain technology, which will ensure they get fair remuneration based on the number of visitors, time spent on their pages and the interaction with the site, creating a more suitable environment for quality, as opposed to spammy cash driven webpages.

A new website rating system will be developed for the community and you as part of this community will decide on the quality of the websites you visit. This will lower the time and stress spent on click bait pages and you’ll have more time for valuable pages. 

Market Overview 

In today's interconnected society characterized by increased capability of everyday devices to connect to other devices and people through the internet infrastructure, the high degree of connectivity raises a myriad of consumers’ privacy and data security concerns. 

The advertising industry enjoyed a negative attention both from the large public and the authorities because of its less transparent practices of online tracking and behavioral profiling. Following technological developments, online tracking became increasingly sophisticated, thus it is no longer limited to the "cookies" installed on the user's devices in order to monitor websites a user visits, but it can track real-time data accessed by a user and triangulate that with information stored about that user's location, financial data, health records, etc. These results are then complied into complex and rather comprehensive consumers' profiles that are sold to digital advertising companies for better targeting their promotional campaigns.

Very sensitive information is often collected thus violating consumer privacy. Moreover, the consumers do not have access to the data collected about them and consequently cannot correct any inaccuracies.  

The Internet of Things provides a handful of opportunities for cybercrimes aiming at gathering data regarding intellectual property, confidential personal information, financial data, etc. Consequently, the cybersecurity market is on a continuous upward trend, being driven by cybercrime. Since, there is a dramatic rise in cyber-attacks, creation of malware software both for PCs, laptops, but also for smartphones and tablets, both the companies and the end users are becoming increasingly focused on safeguarding their personal data and thus enhancing the cyber security.  

Token distribution 


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Online Online Reviewed by Bitcoin Monster on 08.19 Rating: 5

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